Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Professional Certificate (PL-300) : Sample Questions (Part-4)

12:11 PM



You are planning to get data from flat files for your company. The company wants a scheduled refresh for the dataset by using Microsoft 365 credentials. Which two of the following locations should you recommend? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

OneDrive for business


That’s correct! OneDrive account provides the ability to automatically synchronize flat files hosting in a user’s OneDrive and Power BI datasets. The OneDrive Business option uses Azure Active Directory credentials.

SharePoint – Team sites


That’s correct! SharePoint - Team sites use the same Azure Active Directory credentials as the one used to access SharePoint Online.

Personal OneDrive account

Local file


Question 2

You need to create a data source that external users can access. Which type of data source should you use?

0 / 1 point

Common data services

SQL Server




Please review the reading Connectors in Power BI.


Question 3

You have an Azure SQL database that contains sales transactions. The database is updated frequently. You are asked to create a report from the data to detect fraudulent transactions. The data must be visible within five minutes of any update. How will you configure the data connection?

1 / 1 point

By setting a command timeout in minutes.

By setting data connectivity to import mode.

By adding a SQL statement.

By setting data connectivity to DirectQuery.


That’s correct! With DirectQuery, you can ensure the data is refreshed within the required time frequency. Your reports will be automatically updated as the new data is updated to the source database.


Question 4

You have created a Power BI data source that uses SQL SELECT statements. The SQL statement queries multiple tables in a SQL Server database and includes subqueries. When you import the data to Power BI, you receive the error message “Timeout expired”. You have checked the SQL connection and confirmed the Server has sufficient bandwidth and low latency. To minimize the timeout occurrence issue, what should you do?

1 / 1 point

Implement aggregations in SQL statement.

Implement groupings in SQL statement.

Replace subqueries with nested queries.

Break down the SQL statement into separate data sources.


That’s correct! Dividing the SQL statement into separate data source would minimize the amount of processing on SQL Server side. This would minimize or even eliminate the timeout issues.


Question 5

How can you ensure data accuracy before analysis?

1 / 1 point

Use data modeling tools

Using data profiling tools

Use data visualization tools

Use data transformation tools


That’s correct! Data profiling tools are designed to analyze and assess the data quality and help identify any data inconsistencies, errors, and missing data in the datasets.


Question 6

One of your columns in the data model contains information about the mailing address's city, state, and postal code. You must separate the fields to access the geospatial elements for map visualization. What transformation should you apply?

1 / 1 point

Replace values

Split column

Modify data category

Modify data type


That’s correct! You can split the column based on the delimiter present in the original column and use the resulting columns for geospatial visualization.


Question 7

You want to merge two queries in the Power query editor where you want to keep the entire data from the first table while only matching rows from the second table. Which type of join should you choose?

1 / 1 point

Left inner join

Right outer join

Right inner join

Left outer join


That’s correct! Left inner join lets you keep all rows from the first table and only match rows from the second table while using merge queries in the query editor.


Question 8

How can you filter rows in Power BI based on specified conditions during data transformation?

1 / 1 point

Apply the Exclude values transformation.

Apply the remove rows transformation operation.

Use Filter rows and specify the conditions.

Utilize the Sort option.


That’s correct! In the power query editor, you can use Filter rows and define the conditions to filter rows based on your required conditions.


Question 9

You have accessed the data from a SQL Server as DirectQuery. The dataset contains millions of rows. The objective of the analysis is to group data by year and region. Creating aggregated tables has the capacity to reduce the dataset sourced through DirectQuery. Which Power BI element allows you to create aggregations?

1 / 1 point

Model view of Power BI desktop

Power query editor

Page view of Power BI desktop

Data view of Power BI desktop


That’s correct! You can create aggregated tables from the DirectQuery sourced datasets from the Power Query editor and group by defined columns.


Question 10

You have an HR Power BI data model containing a fact table with information about employee performance reviews and dimension tables for employees and departments. What type of data is likely stored in the dimension tables?

1 / 1 point

Descriptive information about employees and departments

Aggregated metric for employee performance

Detailed performance review data

Transactional data about employees


That’s correct! The dimension tables store descriptive information about employees and departments, providing context to the performance review data in the fact table.


Question 11

Which Power BI interface do you need to use to identify the data anomalies present within your imported dataset from an Excel workbook?

1 / 1 point

The Power query editor

The Data view of Power BI desktop.

The Model view of Power BI desktop.

Advanced editor of Power query editor.


That’s correct! The Power query editor displays the column distribution and column quality graphs where you can identify any anomaly present within the imported dataset.


Question 12

In the Power query editor, the column statistics show a count of 1000 rows, but your query is retrieving data from a data source that contains 5000 rows. What should you do for the column statistics to show the statistics based on entire data rows?

1 / 1 point

Add a Table.Buffer applied step using M in the query.

Change the query load from Import to DirectQuery.

From the query window, select Column profiling on the entire dataset.

Create a Top N row count parameter for the query.


That’s correct! Selecting the Column profiling for the entire dataset will change the column profiler to analyze the entire query dataset.


Question 13

You are importing data from a SQL Server database that contains two tables named SalesOrderDetails (left table) and SalesOrders (right table). You load both tables to Power BI desktop and the tables have a relationship based on theSalesOrderID column. You need to combine two tables into one and you must meet the following requirements:

·        There is a row for every SalesOrderDetails row in the resulting table, even if there is no corresponding SalesOrder row.

·        For every SalesOrderDetails row, the row in the resulting table includes the corresponding SalesOrder row data if the SalesOrder exists.

·        Any SalesOrder row data that does not have a corresponding SalesOrderDetailsrow is not included in the resulting table.

What should you do to combine the tables?

1 / 1 point

Append the tables.

Merge the tables using full outer join kind based on the SalesOrderID.

Merge the tables using inner join based on the SalesOrderID.

Merge the tables using left outer join kind based on the SalesOrderID.


That’s correct! To meet the requirements, the resulting table must contain all the rows from the SalesOrderDetails table with only matching rows from the SalesOrder table. This can be achieved by using a left outer join type while merging the tables.


Question 14

You have a Power BI project with a large dataset. You have applied an extensive set of transformation operations to the dataset for analysis and visualization. You need to duplicate the data table for some additional analytical tasks. What transformation can you do to avoid repeating the transformation steps you already performed on the query?

1 / 1 point

Duplicate query from the query editor.

Reference query from the query editor

Duplicate the data model.

Duplicate and save Power BI file with a different name.


In reference query you can use an existing query in another query. All changes made to the primary query are automatically applied to the referenced query ensuring data consistency and avoiding the repetition of data transformation steps.


Question 15

You have a Power BI data model containing two tables Sales and Employees. The tables are related via a one-to-many relationship based on the EmployeeID column. You want to analyze the sales performance for each employee. Which cross-filter direction will you choose?

1 / 1 point





That’s correct! To analyze sales performance for each employee, you need to set a single cross-filter direction which ensures selecting an employee will filter the sales amount for that employee.


Question 16

Your Power BI data model has a Sales fact table and a Date table. The Sales table contains two date columns: ShipDate and OrderDate.

Both date columns have a relationship to the Date column in the Date table, and DAX measures have been defined to use these relationships for calculations related to order date or ship date.

You need to make sure that the Date table does not filter the Sales table unless it is using DAX measures that use these relationships. What should you do?

0 / 1 point

Enable Make this relationship active for both relationships.

Set the cross-filter direction to Both for both relationships.

Disable Make this relationship active for both relationships.

Enable a security filter in both directions for both relationships.


Not quite. Please review the video Introduction to USERRELATIONSHIP function.


Question 17

You want to create a date table starting from May 31, 2021, and ending one year later. What M code will you use to create this table?

1 / 1 point

=List.Dates(#date(2021,05,31), 365, #duration(1,0,0,0))

=List.Dates(#date(2021,05,31), 365, #duration(1,0,1,0))

=List.Dates(#date(2021,05,31), 1, #duration(1,0,0,0))

=List.Dates(#date(2021,05,31), 365, #duration(0,0,0,1))


That’s correct! The #date designates the starting date, 365 designates the duration and #duration(1,0,0,0) designates the duration interval in days. Therefore, the formula results in listing days starting on May 31, 2021 and ending 365 days later.


Question 18

In the model view of Power BI desktop, what are the categories to configure column properties?

0 / 1 point

General, Formatting, and Advanced.

General and Formatting.

Formatting and Advanced.

General and Advanced.


Not quite. Please review the activity Configuring the table and column properties.


Question 19

Which Power BI component lets you test the row-level security using different security roles?

1 / 1 point

Both Power BI desktop and Service.

Power BI service.

Power BI desktop.

Power BI mobile app.


That’s correct! You can test row-level security in both Power BI Service and desktop.


Question 20

You have a Power BI model where you need to decide when to use implicit measures over explicit measures. What is the feature of implicit measures that explicit measures do not have?

0 / 1 point

Implicit measures can be used with Field parameters.

Implicit measures can be used to create Quick measures.

Implicit measures can be used as a drill-through field.

End users can change the aggregation type of implicit measures from the Values well of the visual.


Not quite. Please review the activity Replacing implicit measure.


Question 21

Which of the following elements can you use to develop a quick measure in Power BI desktop? Select all that apply.

0 / 1 point

Power query M functions


Conditional columns


This should not be selected

Not quite. Please review the video Creating quick measures.



That’s correct! When you create quick measures in Power BI desktop, you apply calculations that are available as six categories of calculations to be used for quick measures.


Question 22

You have a warehouse Power BI data model that contains a table named Warehouse. The table has a column named Inventory count, which contains the current number of items for each row of a particular product type on a given day.

The model has a DAX measure that calculates the sum of all values in the Inventory count column of the Warehouse table:

Current Inventory =

CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Warehouse'[Inventory Count] ) )

You must ensure that the Current Inventory returns only the current total number of inventory items, rather than the sum of all inventory items. You also need to make sure the state holidays and weekends should be excluded from the calculation. What additional DAX function should you include in the query?

1 / 1 point






That’s correct! LASTNONBLANK functions will retrieve data only from the last date from the period where there is a value available eliminating any non-blank rows from the dataset.


Question 23

You have a Power BI model of a marketing company. The data model contains two tables: Socials and Calendar. The Socials table has a column recording website visits and the Calendar table has a Date column.

You want to compute the total number of visits during the last month. Which DAX expression can you use to compute this value?

1 / 1 point

= CALCULATE ( Socials[Website Visits] ), PREVIOUSMONTH ( Calendar[Date] )

= CALCULATE ( SUM ( Socials[Website Visits] ), LASTMONTH ( Calendar[Date] ) )

= CALCULATE ( SUM ( Socials[Website Visits] ), PREVIOUSMONTH ( Calendar[Date] ) )

= CALCULATE ( Socials[Website Visits] ), LASTMONTH ( Calendar[Date] )


That’s correct! CALCULATE and SUM computes the total number of website visits and PREVIOUSMONTH compares the dates to the previous month.


Question 24

Which of the following DAX functions can be used as filter modification functions within CALCULATE? Select all that apply.

0 / 1 point





That’s correct! This function engages the inactive relationship between the two related tables of the data mode and must be used within the CALCULATE function when defining a DAX measure.


This should not be selected

Not quite. Please review the reading Filter functions in CALCULATE.



Question 25

A Power BI data model has measures and calculated columns. What is the benefit of using measures over calculated columns?

1 / 1 point

Measures are dynamic calculations and are not stored in the data model.

Measures can be used for data transformation operations.

Measures can be used in the calculated columns to create complex calculations.

Measures can assist in data load operations.


That’s correct! Measures are calculated at the query level, so they do not require memory. The calculations are executed on the fly.


Question 26

You have imported a large data model to Power BI desktop, and you want to reduce the model size. Which technique should you use to reduce the model size?

1 / 1 point

Configure the Query reduction option filter settings.

Configure the Query reduction option Slicer settings.

Set the storage mode property of tables to import.

Set the storage mode property of tables to DirectQuery.


That’s correct! Setting the storage mode property to DirectQuery reduces the model size since only the schema of the data is stored locally to Power BI memory.


Question 27

What are the potential performance benefits of removing unnecessary columns from the data model? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Decreasing report page load times.

Reducing the size of data model.


That’s correct! Fewer columns mean there is less data to import therefore reducing the model size.

Increasing DAX performance.

Increasing the refresh speed.


That’s correct! Fewer columns mean reducing the data model size and it takes less time to refresh the model.


Question 28

You have developed a Power BI report for the sales team of your company. The salespeople are frequently interacting with the report and complain that the report elements are taking too long to display upon each interaction. You have recorded the report performance from the performance analyzer. How do the results assist you in improving the report's performance?

1 / 1 point

The results recommend the data fresh frequency.

The results suggest you replace the visual elements.

The results recommend reducing the data size.

The results show you the impact of user interaction on report elements so you can optimize.


That’s correct! The Performance analyzer captures the impact of user interaction with the report elements which helps you identify the issues and optimize accordingly.


Question 29

You are creating a report to visualize sales by salespersons, trending over months. The visual must clearly show how salespersons are performing against each other and have a ranking for each period.

Which visual from Power BI core visualization should you choose?

0 / 1 point

Ribbon chart

Clustered bar chart


Scatter plot


Not quite. Please review the video Ribbon and waterfall charts.


Question 30

What are the ways you can use Python in Power BI? Select all that apply.

0 / 1 point

to perform report optimization

To retrieve data from data sources


That’s correct! You can access data sources through Python scripting by using Python connector.

To perform complex data transformations


That’s correct! You can perform complex data transformations using Python script from Power query editor.

To create custom visualizations

To create a functional data model

You didn't select all the correct answers


Question 31

You have developed a CustomTheme in Power BI desktop and created reports based on this theme. When you publish your reports to Power BI service and create dashboards out of the reports, will Power BI service alter the theme and adapt your reports to the dashboard default theme?

1 / 1 point




That’s correct! You can keep the original theme of your reports and its visual elements while publishing and creating dashboards in Power BI service.


Question 32

You have a Power BI report that uses a dataset imported from the database. The report contains a Slicer that you need to sync so that it can be used on other report pages. What is required to sync the slicers between report pages?

1 / 1 point

Each Slicer must have the same title.

Each Slicer must be visible.

Each Slicer must be the same slicer type.

Each Slicer must use the same column


That’s correct! The same column must be used to create a Slicer for them to recognize each other in sync slicer settings.


Question 33

Power BI desktop supports many accessibility tools. Which keyboard keys let you access the accessibility features?

1 / 1 point

Tab + A


Alt + A



That’s correct! The Alt key displays the Keytips over each command in the current view of the Ribbon with a letter displayed on each tab which lets you navigate various tools via accessibility.


Question 34

You have created a Bookmark for your Power BI report. After creating a Bookmark, you added a new page to your report and reordered the pages. What should you do to update the Bookmark?

0 / 1 point

You need to add the new page to the Bookmark manually, but the order of pages automatically syncs with the Bookmark.

You don’t need any formatting because any additional page and reorder of pages automatically synced with the Bookmark.

Navigate to the format Bookmark and update the settings.

You need to update the order of buttons in Bookmark, but the new page was automatically added to Bookmark.


Not quite. Please review the video Adding bookmarks.


Question 35

How is drill-through different from drill-down functionality in Power BI?

1 / 1 point

A drill-down is used for visuals, while a drill-through is used for tabular data.

Drill-through is used to expand hierarchies while drill-down provides detailed navigation.

Drill-through provides a more detailed view while drill-down is used to expand hierarchies.

A drill down and drill through can be used interchangeably.


That’s correct! Drill-through allows you to navigate data points for a detailed and focused report page while drill-down is used to expand the visual hierarchy to see the granular details within the same visual.


Question 36

True or False: When you create page navigation in Power BI desktop reports, you also need to manually sync the page navigator with your report pages?

1 / 1 point




That’s correct! The Page navigator automatically syncs with all your report pages by matching the tiles and order of the report pages with the Buttons.


Question 37

You have a Power BI dataset where each employee is reporting to multiple managers in the organizational hierarchy. How does a PATH function of DAX handle such a situation?

1 / 1 point

It chooses the shortest path for each employee.

The PATH function cannot handle multiple reporting relationships.

It creates a separate path for each employee-manager relationship.

It concatenates all paths for each manager.


That’s correct! The PATH function creates a separate path for each employee-manager relationship in the parent-child hierarchy.


Question 38

How can you group layers of visual elements in your Power BI desktop report? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Select all visuals to be grouped, right-click on any visual, and select Group from the context menu.


That’s correct! You need to select multiple visuals to be grouped by holding the Ctrl key and selecting Group from the context menu.

Drag and drop the visual elements.

Right-click on any visual and select Group from the context menu

Select all visuals to be grouped, navigate to the Format ribbon, and select Group.


That’s correct! You can also navigate to the Format ribbon and select Groupafter selecting the multiple visuals from the report canvas.


Question 39

You have a Power BI report displaying a Column chart of Sales on the Y-axis and Countries on the X-axis. When users hover the cursor on any data point the tooltip displays the sales values along with the name of the country. How can you display the sales breakdown by each category within the same country?

0 / 1 point

Add a visual for sales breakdown by category on a Tooltip.

Add a separate visual displaying sales breakdown by product category.

Add a Category slicer where users can select a category.

Create a separate report page for each product category.


Not quite. Please review the reading Activity: Create custom tooltips.


Question 40

You have a Waterfall chart showing the increase and decrease of Sales by States in Power BI report in Power BI service and want to analyze the data using the Analyze feature of Power BI. You selected the first data point of the Waterfall chart and the Analyze option is not available in the context menu. What could be the probable reason?

1 / 1 point

The Analyze feature can only be used in Power BI desktop.

The Analyze feature cannot be used for the first data point of the visual.

The Waterfall chart does not support the Analyze feature.


That’s correct! The insights obtained from the analyze feature of Power BI service are based on the change from the previous data point, so it cannot be used for the first data point of the visual.


Question 41

What features can you configure in the Q&A feature of Power BI desktop? Select all that apply.

0 / 1 point




That’s correct! You can add synonyms for the fields present in your datasets to let Power BI Q&A understand various terms users can use to ask questions.

Review Questions


Visual formatting

This should not be selected

Not quite. Please review the readings Activity: Add the Q&A feature to a dashboard and Activity Using the Q&A feature for reports.


Question 42

AI visuals are Power BI components designed to provide advanced analytics and insights by leveraging machine learning models and techniques. You are a sales manager of the company and want to analyze the revenue by region, category, and sales channel. Which of the following AI visuals is used to break down a specific value (revenue in this case) into its components?

0 / 1 point

Decomposition tree

Q&A visual

Key influencer visual

Waterfall chart


Not quite. Please review the video AI visuals.


Question 43

You manage a Power BI workspace. You need to delegate the task to schedule data refreshes. The solution must use the principle of least privilege. Which role should you use?

1 / 1 point






That’s correct! The Contributor role is the least privileged role that grants permission to schedule data refreshes.


Question 44

You are creating a workspace in Power BI service. You must ensure you can configure a Microsoft 365 group whose SharePoint online document library is available to workspace users after it is created. Which setting should you configure when creating a workspace?

1 / 1 point

License mode

Allow contributors to update the app

Develop a template app

Workspace OneDrive


That’s correct! Workspace OneDrive settings allow you to configure the Microsoft 365 group whose SharePoint Online document library is available to workspace users once you have created the workspace.


Question 45

True or False: You have a Power BI dashboard where you added a Custom tile. The Tile is taking data from a Live-streaming dataset. Power BI does not allow you to set and manage Alerts on the live-streaming dataset dashboard tiles.

1 / 1 point




That’s correct! You cannot set Alerts in streaming tiles of your dashboard that are created by adding a custom streaming tile.


Question 46

True or False: You can only subscribe to external users to a Power BI report or dashboard if your report or dashboard is hosted in a Premium capacity.

1 / 1 point




That’s correct! The reports and dashboards hosted on Premium capacity can be subscribed to external users.


Question 47

What is the primary advantage of deployment pipelines in Power BI?

1 / 1 point

Less manual work and fewer errors.

Semantic model (dataset) creation is streamlined.

Enhanced user access to BI report source data.

Reports can be published from multiple workspace environments.


That’s correct! Implementation of deployment pipelines reduces manual work and errors.


Question 48

You are creating and managing dataflows for your organization. The company’s data is hosted in on-premises SQL Server.

True or False: To create the dataflows, you do not need to install and configure data gateways.

1 / 1 point




That’s correct! To create dataflows in Power BI service, you must install and configure data gateway to retrieve data from on-premises SQL server to the dataflows.


Question 49

Which Power BI refresh options require you to set parameters?

1 / 1 point

On-demand refresh

Incremental refresh

Scheduled refresh


That’s correct! In incremental refresh you need to ensure the dataset is partially refreshed according to the parameters you must define.


Question 50

Row-level security is commonly applied to which type of tables in Power BI?

0 / 1 point

Lookup tables

Dimension tables

Fact tables

Data tables


Not quite. Please review the video Row level security.


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