Tuesday, September 1, 2015

How to setup windows auto scheduler task to restart after certain time interval

3:35 PM
Step 1: Open Task Scheduler ( Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Task Scheduler)

Step 2: Create Task

Name the task, description and select security options

Step 4: Create Task - Trigger. Set up scheduled to run the task

The below setting is to schedule the task to run daily at 4.00 AM 

Step 5: Create Task - Action. 

We will set up a program RestartCH3ServiceDaily.bat to stop and start the ClickHome3 Service.

a. Identify the name of the ClickHome3 Service from service properties

b. Open Notepad and place the commands to start and stop the service. Save the file as RestartCH3ServiceDaily.bat

c. Specify the action. We will run the program RestartCH3ServiceDaily.bat 

Step 6: Create Task - Conditions. Leave the default settings
Step 7: Create Task - Settings. Leave the default settings. Click Ok. You may be prompted to enter user account details.
Step 8: Verify the task in Task Scheduler library and test if your account can run the task

Click Run to verify if you user account is able to run the task successfully. Verify the history for any errors and take appropriate action.
Your user account should have permissions to execute the netstart and netstop commands, if there are issues please check with your network administrator. 

Note: for certain time interval check advance portion of service and check 'Repeat task every - hour'


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